... yazı kalır.

bellatrix begins: batman gibi değil, anka kuşu gibi!

Nothing with the raccoon!

Bu bölümü kesinlikle hatırlayacak olan Cem Yapar için geliyor :)

Joey: I need a good lie to explain why I wasn't at the work thing today.

Phoebe: Oo... Honey, you stink at lying.

Joey: Wha? I do not!

Phoebe: Oh really? Let me ask you something. Yesterday at the coffeehouse, I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, my muffin was gone. Who took it?

Joey: Somebody opened the door to the coffeehouse, and a raccoon, came running in and went straight for your muffin. I said "Hey! Don't eat that! That's Phoebe's!" and he said... He said "Joey, you stink at lying". What am I going to do?!

(Friends 908, The one with Rachel's other sister)

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basılı materyalin hastasıyım!

read the printed word!